Saturday, June 12, 2010

formal apology


Friday, June 4, 2010

Work & PLay go Well 2gether gether

Yesterday, the whole marketing Dept had to work overtime and hold interview sessions with the band in the Rum Jungle and Beach Club

The first interview session went on swimmingly. because the beers had not kicked in yet....... However, the second interview with SKY HIGH ws not so productive..... Honestly at that point the only thing running in my head was where the fuck is my next drink comin.....
FIRST WORD OF ADVICE.... Never stand between an indian guy and his drink.... it wont end well

But overall i think the night was good.... im judgin by the fact that i had a fuckin SPLITTING headache in the mornin....

Point 2..... When u suffer massive hangover its a sign that the night before was fucking AWESOME

But since today i was actually able to compile all the interview notes into a cohesive and easily understoood compilation i think we successfully did the job last nite....

SO FUCK YEAH....... I want more Work and Play Sessions..... BOSLEY is alwayz up for a party

Thursday, June 3, 2010

FNJ Malasysia tour First STOP Port DICKson

Alrite, this is actually a very late write up and report on the latest happenings of Friday nite Jams.

But the 3 day stop was in PD was fuckin awesome. The adventurous thrill ride started early on friday with some good old royalty (STOUT). And also by the end of the first nite the ration of duty free beer was already runnin seriously fucking low and we needed more nourishment if we were goin to last out till our performance nite on Saturday.

To start our stay in PD wat better way to start of then with some wheelin and dealin of MONOPOLY..... i know..... i sound fucking lame...., but fuck u if u feel that way.... if fucking awesome if u r blazed out of ur mind...... the TRUMP of the day was not other than mamak whoe gain control through very shrewed and risky business endeavours.... The runner up for the evenin who put our resident trump thru all sorts of fucking trials was thrish...
After that not to be outdone, our Gay samurai hustled his way thru to the pot of gold at the end of a strenous poker session which he wiped everyone out clean.... But there were no hard feelings cause those winnins were put to fuckin good use and the proceeds went to a very new charitible foundation called the Alcohol Deprived Indians of FNJ.... If anyone is interested in contributing to this good cause plzz feel free to drop me a line... i will let u know the channels of contributing...

Anywayz, the saturday show was fuckin beyond awesome with Nishant and Pravin on the guitars, ikram on percusions and vocal and me belting out tunes while thrish came in for the rap areas sending the crowd in to a psycho frenzy and turnin it in a water festival.... Any other venue besides ths beautiful marina could have given us a more perfect setting and ambience....
ok.... im now bored and tired of goin on of the trip....
there are just a few things everyone needs to know bout the trip
FUckin Homo Bastard
Gay Samurai
And the most important FACT
NIshant the 36 Incher
has been crowned the undisputed MK Champion of the World (Youth Division)
This tournament was sponsored by Avillion Admiral cove and Carlsberg Pilsner

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Fuck.... Mission Exercise FAILED!!!!

Guys, fuckin guess wat....

its fuckin obvious... I didnt start exercising yesterday.... because i got fucking caught up watching smallville with my mum and the rest of the family.....


I seriously need to exercise..... but i think at this rate i might hit mid life before i actual get of my ASS.....

Fuckin proscrastinating rockzzz.....

Monday, May 24, 2010


Today, im actually honestly contemplating exercising for the first time in a long. However, i think i is goin to be a bitch exercising after a long day at work. And also being that my left leg is like 2 inches smaller that my right leg.

i think the educated guess would be to concentrate on the left leg before actually doin anything for the right leg.
But ppl pls be honest with urself, how many ppl out actually follow a strict exercise plan. i really know that the only plan i really follow is to release my load every other day.. haha...
But this time it is goin to be diffferent i actually plan on following thru with this.... i mean not just the part bout releasing my load but the part about exercising....
So, hopefully soon, the keg which i call my stomach will actually be called a six pack. MmmMm.... Speaking of six pack..... That sound really tempting now...... nothing like starting the day with a six pack and bacon...... But these are the kinds of temptations i fuckin need to avoid....
FUCK this is goin to be hard isn't it.... Or well guys.... just wish me luck and i hope that i actually start doin some fucking exercise today before chowing down some dinner....
Let u know how it went.... hehe

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Celebs Before they were famous

Alrite guys, this is quite a post.. this is a list of celebs and what they were doing actually before they became famous.

Sylester Stallone
He was actually in show biz before the rocky movies made him big. He was in the Porn industry. The producing actually changed the name of his video to the Italian Stallion after the rocky movies came out

Johnny Depp
Well who would have thought that he fucking sold pens. God damn, how fucking boring would that be. According to him he said he used to create different characters for his sales pitches. This helped him not to get too bored at work

Tim Allen
Long before he became the Tim "The Toolman" Taylor in Home improvement sit com, this dude was in prison for fucking dealing Cocaine. Talk about a change in career paths.

Jack Nicholson
This awesome actor was a lowly mailroom worker before hitting big in movies like Batman and The Shining. What a waste of such a cool guy to dump him in the mailroom.

Kurt Cobain
Nirvana lead and founder of grunge rock was a damn janitor before screeching out the tracks on stage and becoming a legend of the music industry.

Christopher Walken
Only Chris here could have had such a cool job before he became famous. And it would
explain why he is always so cool in any situation.. This psycho used to fuckin be a lion tamer. To top it off he said the fucking lion was more like a kitten. bloody psycho..

Channing Tatum
His first career would really explain why he is able to dance in movies like step up. This duke here used to really please the ladies when he was a male stripper in some fucking club before making it big
Brad Pitt
Hollywood heart throb brad pitt used to be a damn chicken mascot. Just imagine this guys face is the face that melt womans heart all over the world and the clown actually got him to cover it. Damn

Danny Devito
This pint size comedian really shoud not have had the job he had. Come on wat is this baldy doin cutting hair. Thats got to be the funniest joke in the world man.

Return of D-boy

Alrite guys i know this has been my first post in fucking ages and that i promised you loads of pics of the bone and i havent delivered.

But to be fair to me i wasnt really feeling up to it.

the past 2 months have been the shittiest of my life. There was serious shit boredom goin on. So, anyways im back now... and also back to work. the only fucking difference is that i fuckin use a god damn walking stick.

and be expecting some bone pics in the very near future.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The stay in the hospital

Yesterday started my first day of my stay in the hospital. I just found out on monday that i have a degenrative bone disease called Fibrous Dysplacia.

This is when my bone regenerates with on soft tissue replacing the actual bone. i will be replacing the top of my femur and replacing it wit a artificial ball socket.

Its probaly goin to hurt like a bitch. but at least it should stop the bone from collapsing from under me.

That would probably hurt just a tad bit more.

anyways stay tuned for exclusive pics of the bone

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Best Munchies to have With BEER!!

Alright it is time for a light read for the blog. I know im always fucking serious with my post and that my avid groupis also need a break. So, this post hold a very close spot to my heart. This is espsecially those people out the that love Beer and everything about it. But we will start of with my favorite compliment for when drinking beer. LIke people like having cheese when drinking wine. I have acquired the taste for beer..... Beeeeeeeeeeeeerr........ of the thought of it just gives me goosbumps....

Super Rings
Any local malaysian would have tried this culinary masterpiece of a snack. Fuck Twisties and the lot. This is the true meaning of junk food. With enough fucking colouring to stay on your finger the entire nite. But the most fun part is placing a ring on each finger and eating it like that while leaving traces of orange all over your finger and clothes. Ohhh the true malaysian snack.

Rocky Biscuit sticks

Another junk food for Malaysian that when sober you most probably never eat would have to be this. But when drinking or just getting high, this is like fucking heaven on a stick. Be it strawberry or chocolate, this is one satifying treat which will leave you feeling that you didn't have enough


Tell you the truth i probably can eat nachos anytime of the day. But especially love when couple with beer. Just think the cheese oozing over some cruncy tortilla chip and mince beef sauce capping it off. Now that is one wholesome meal.

Mutton Peratal

Im going to be honest, this is probably the indian side of me choosing this dish. But if you come to think of it, the chinese and lot also love this. The main fucking reason this dish is so fucking awesome is that the spicyness and tender juicy mutton just makes you wanna drink more and eat more. SLurp!! Slurp!!

Pork Ribs

MMMmmmHHhh..... Pork Ribs.... Need i say more.... People whole love eating always say that the meat closes to the bone is the sweetest. How much closer can you get. This is awesome because this meal doesn't really fill up yur stomach so it leaves precious space for more beer.


I think everyone the world round who drink beer would have at least tried this once. This is like the most common side for beer on god green earth i think. It is so common that some bars even give it free for their customer.

Fried Anchovies with onions and Chilli
Another awesome side to have with beer. just the same as the mutton when it comes to the spicyness but this adds crunch to you bite. This is caused because the Anchovies are deep fried before being stir fried with the rest of the ingredient. Damn i haven't had this is awhile.

Fried Chicken Wings
I mean i don't think you can go wrong with chicken wings. You just can't fucking stop eating these buggers. Everything about the chicken wings makes it perfect for a side for any drinking party. SO if you are organising a party, this is a must.

Chick, Babes, Girls, Ladies
Call them what you like, but it is a definitely one of the best compliments for beer if not the best are chicks. Please which regular beer guzzling heterosexual joe would not want to have a gorgeous, voluptous, sexy chick next to him or better yet on his lap when enjoying a nice cold brewski.

For me this is the ultimate compliment when drinking beer. Because i think it is every drinkers nightmare to see his or her glass empty after a long chug. So, the best fucking way to compliment that is to fucking have more beer. So, don't waste your dough on any of the other sides on this list and invest in more fucking beer. You will not fucking go wrong.
So, if you haven't had any of these while drinking you can fucking consider your life a fucking failure and just give up drinking. Before any drinker dies he has to have had at least 5 out of this fucking list.
Anyways thats for this list.... CHEERS!!!!!
And feel free to add your own faves in the comments...

Monday, February 22, 2010

Most Promising and up and coming band in KL

This post is for the people in Kuala Lumpur to start recognizing talent. This band featured her is the most promising acts to come out from Malaysia in a long time.

They currently are typically a cover band which cover great hit by a variety of rock legend and most of the time give the song an original twist which will send anyone just BEYOND AWESOME. Mostly the badn comprises of the basic 5 members which you can see in this photo. However there are also some other brilliant solo act who collaborate with the band because of mutual respect which they share for each others talents and reputation. However the best part of the band is that they just solely play for love of music and have chosen to stay low profile and stay true to their cause.

Their impromtu renditions are beyond compared. Below is the a photo from one of their photoshoot which they reluctantly took because it goes against their principles but still did it totally for charity to Aunty Shop in TTDI Kiara View Condos.

Below you will also find brief profiles of the member.... ROCK ON....


Lead Vocals
Thrishen "Rap Supastar" Kumareshh

After a brief stay in England, he has tremendously improved his vocal ranges and adaptive power. No one can rap quite as hard as this man here and at the same time switch straight away to a sweet melodic voice that will make fucking songbird jealous. Some of his influences can be contributed to the likes of Mike Shinoda and Bob Marley.

Lead Guitarist

Nishant the 36 incher

Nishant who whose background is a shroud of mystery mostly loves playing some rock classics but can also have a lighter tone to his playing styles when he cover the backstreet boy and also some RnB Songs that will throw his fans off. However the most captivating part of any of his performances in his mouth solo which each and every time the crowd begs for. However, this guys skill is not just with his magic fingers but also with his deep masculine voice when he also sings. Most notable performace would have to be by far his rendition of Hero originally by Enrique Inglesias.

Back Up Guitarist

Praveen "Slashveen" Sudesh

Another natural gifted member of the band who with ease can charm the socks of the crowd with his wit and humor and impromtu lyrics for any situation. Most brialliant when coupled with when he and the 36 incher get into the solo sessions which can send people in trance like states and feel unparaleled euphoria. The way this guy moves his finger effortlessly over his guitar will make most of the guitaring world envious. Most notable influence would have to be Joe Santriani and Slash.

Bass And Percussions

Mohd "Mamak" Ikram

This guy is more known for his contribution on the percussions than his bass. His passionate displays of almost trance like performances have gained him populurity beyond most musicians dreams. He is known to just get so caught up in the moment that he overshadows everyone when the time comes. Most influenced by the life of Bob Marley

Drums and Back Up Vocals

Christian "Axl" Dinesh

This guy is the most erractic of the group. His drum skill are mostly unneeded in the band because of the brilliant performances by mamak, so he mostly sings back up behind Thrishen. However, he is really mostly known for his temparamental atttitude which need lots of pushing and booze to perform for anyone. most notable influenced will have to Axl Rose

This is basically the line up for FNJ but occasionally there are some additional artist who come to collaborate with this beyond awesome band. Some of the more notable collaborators will have to be Dyll "Barack" Rohan and Komeshh "Vainpot" Vaishnavi(WHo is Slashveen gf)

Crowd Favorites Covers

Hotel California
Don't Look Back in Anger
Last Kiss
In the End
Stand by Me
Let Her Cry

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentines dAY

aH ITS that time of the year where all the are waiting for roses and gift and proposal from the better halves.... what a load of crap..... this has gotta be the most commerciallymarketed and marked time of the year for certain items.....

but after all it is a time for u to profess ur undying love for ur other halves even if u dont really mean it at the time....

in my opinion i think valentines day should be a day where everyone goes out by themselves and picks up someone from the oppsite sex and just do whatever they want.... i think only then can we actually see cupids work in progress....

But alas, it has been so commercially marketed that everyone just spend the day with their significant other.... that is just a total load of cock.... i feel the way i celebrated it last year was just awesome... i prepared a three course meal, appertiser, main course and dessert, for me, my gf at the time, my mum, and my cousin... of course there was lots of beer consumed while i was cooking.... so i don really think my gf appreciated everything i did that day/......

oh welll i guess not everyone knows the true meaning of valentines is to spend it not just with the ur spouse/gf/bf but also with anyone who u feel is important in ur life......

anyways Happy Valentines day to the suckers out there who bought expensive gliitery presents and paid 20 buck for 1 rose.... dumb asses

Friday, February 5, 2010

Cool Cartoons everyone should watch

See i really love making list of things..... This is a list of cartoon which i truly loved watching while growing up... I even had some of the toys and action figures which i played.... Thoroughly was spoilt when i was a kid... i used to watch some of them over and over again on fucking video tape.... Thats how old some of these are.....Anyways let start the list.....
Aired : 1992 - 1997
No. of Seasons : 5
No. of Episode: 76
Main Heroes :Wolverine, Professor X, Jubilee, Rogue, Storm, Jean Grey, Cyclops, Gambit, Beast
Main Villains : Magneto, Senator Kelly, Sentinels, Mister Sinister, Sabretooth
Now is one kick ass cartoon... i mean animated series. It touch lot of sensitive issues and the storyline was very confusing for a kid like me to understand. So what do you do. Ask your big brother what going on. But i would not miss a damn episode. It was that freaking good.

Aired : 1984 - 1987
No. of Seasons : 3
No. of Episode: Not known
Main Heroes : Optimus Prime, BumbleBee,
Main Villains : Megatron, Starscream
Honestly, i really used to watch a lot of this cartoon. But the damn thing is a blur. i must have been really too young to remember shit about. But i know my Optimus prime toy was one of my faves of the time. i really wish i still had it. fuck... wish i was a kid again, Seems like so much fun.
Aired : 1987 - 1996
No. of Seasons : 10
No. of Episode: 193
Main Heroes : Leonardo, Rapheal, Donatello, Michelangelo, April o'Neil, Master Splinter
Main Villains : Shredder, Krang
What i remember distinctively about this is that they are some super cool turtles who fucking do Ninjit su and eat loads of Pizza. And of Course, COWABANGA DUDES. This was the first time i really heard these two words. I even got my mum to buy some tortuioses for the house. Not really knowing the difference back then. I probably did also name them the same and fuck they stink up everything.
Aired : 1985 -1990
No. of Seasons : 5
No. of Episode: 130
Main Heroes : Lion-O, Cheetara, Panthro, Tygra, Snarf
Main Villains :Mumm-Ra
Man, this is one cartoon i would really love to see as a movie. And i really wanted Jessica Biel to act as cheetara. See has gotta be one of the hottest cartoon characters around... damn girl.... She fine....
Aired : 1989 - Present
No. of Seasons : 21
No. of Episode:452
Main Heroes : Bart, Homer, Lisa, Marge, Maggie
Main Villains : Mr Burns, Sideshow Bob
Actually, there are no real heroes or villian in this show. but damn... this has gotta be the longest running show on earth and the most hilarious. I can just keep watching re run and new episodes. I really would like to get the whole collection of the Simpsons.
Aired : 1985 - 1986
No. of Seasons : 2
No. of Episode: 75
Main Heroes : Matt Trekker, Buddy Hawks
Main Villains : Miles Mayhem
What do you need to make a cartoon. Cool gadgets and someone who wants to take over the world. This has both. Imagine cars that have hidden weapon hiding away in different ppart of the vehicle. Coolnes personified. Plus they had some awesome toys.
Aired : 1985 - 1987
No. of Seasons : 2
No. of Episode: 95
Main Heroes : General Hawk, Duke, Rip Cord, Shipwreck, Snake Eyes
Main Villains : Destro, Cobra Commander, Baroness
I loved these toys so much because of the fact that they were easily moveable and all body parts moved. For me this was one of the best toys to have around. And now the have a movie. The storyline could have been better but damn it was a cool movie.. i really need to find another word for cool.
Aired : 1986 - 1991
No. of Seasons : 5
No. of Episode: 147
Main Heroes : Peter Venkman, Egon Spengler, Ray Stantz, Winston Zeddemore, Janine Melnitz, Slimer
Main Villains : Shit loads of ghost
I actully just found out that this show was co created by Dan Aykroyd and that Arsenio Hall is the voice of Winston. The movie was funny, cartoon was funny. I also had the car from the show for toy. GOD, i miss my toys. I want my toys back.
Aired : 1994 - 1997
No. of Seasons : 3
No. of Episode: 78
Main Heroes : Goliath, Bronx, Brooklyn, Hudson, Lexinton, Elisa Maza, Broadway
Main Villains : David Xanatos, Demona, Macbeth, Owen Burnett
This cartoon i can remember more of. Maybe because i was a lot older. But i had a killer storyline and made want to watch the next episode. What a waste that i only ran for 3 seasons. i have to find the dvd and buy it. Each and every character in this show has a story and motive.
Aired : 1985 -1987
No. of Seasons : 2
No. of Episode: 65
Main Heroes : Max Rax, Ace McCloud, Jake Rockwell, Crystal Kane
Main Villains : Doc Terror, Hacker
The one thing that really stands out about this show is the name for the characters, Check it out, it is all related to their own field. Fucking Awesome. And they have a fucking Orang Utan in the series which always around and some nifty super gadgets and suits.
Anyways, i have come to a conclusion that we really dont make cartoons like the used to. That will explain why kids these days a so different. I know i really learnt a lot from each cartoon on this list. These are super cartoon which had storyline and plot and characters who grow with the show. Where the hell is that nowadays.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Awesome Comic Characters on Film

This is basically a list of comic characters which i think are just freaking awesome on film. In some cases the portrayal of the character has been spot on and in some resemblance is uncanny. Anyways enjoy.... Its a light read.... What a way to launch the list


Alter Ego : Logan,
Species : Human Mutant

Abilities : Regenerative Healing, Superhuman senses, Adamantium laced skeletal structure, Claws

Movie Appearances : X-Men(2000), X-2(2003), X-Men:The Last Stand(2006), X-Men Origins:Wolverine(2009)

Played by : Hugh Jackman

This character probably has the biggest fan base since the X-men movies started. I personally loved this character since i started watching the cartoon when i was a kid. But damn, i really thought that Hugh Jackmans performance as Wolverine was awesome. he even resembles the character. The only thing missing is the yellow and blue tights.

Alter ego : Peter Parker, Eddie Brock, Angela Fortunato, Mac Gargan
Species : Symbiote
Abilities:Grants the host the abilities of the first host(spiderman), enhances host attributes, turn host invisible through camouflage, limited shap shifting
Movie Appearances : Spiderman 3
Played By : Topher Grace

Now this is one hell of a character. Venom is so bad ass that it was banished by its own race. This parasite is a being which can merged which any host and enhance their abilities. But overall this guy just looks really cool. Eventhouth i was really dissappointed that it only featured for a bit in the movie.

Alter Ego : Peter Parker
Species : Human Mutate
Abilities : Superhuman Strenth, Speed, Stamina, Agility, Reflexes, Durability, Accelerated Healing, Ability to cling to most Surfaces, precognitive Spider Sense, Genius Level Intellect,
Movie Appearances: Spiderman(1977), Spiderman(2002), Spiderman 2(2004), Spiderman 3(2007)
Played By : Nicholas Hammond, Tobey Maguire

Any comic charater list without Spiderman wouldn't be complete. This guy make nerd look cool. On the plus side is people are able to relate to his character beecause of the fact that he struggles with becoming an adult and also suffer from real day to day problem like being broke. Thus, Making him on of the most loved comic characters around. To think that at one point this character didn't get approved and was only given an appearance in the last issue of a dying comic series.

Alter Ego : Albert Francis "Al" Simmons
Species : Human Undead
Abilities: Superhuman Stregth, Speed, Durability, Endurance, Immortality, Flight, Magical Abilities, Teleportation, Shape Shifting, Regenerative Healing Factor, Necroplasmic Energy Blast, Wears a symbiotic suit which is capable of evolving
Movie Appearances : Spawn
Played By : Micheal Jai White
What cooler than being the general of hell army. Even with that he still still stand up for the defenseless and turns his back on hell and fight Malebolgia. This guy is betrayed, killed and sent to hell. Makes a deal with Malebolgia and return to earth and then retakes hell with the vision of making it paradise. Now that is what i call determination and a true goal.

Alter Ego : Walter Joseph Kovacs
Species : Human
Abilities: Excellent athlete, Highly skilled boxer, gymnast, streetfighter, Ruthlessness, Detective intuition
Movie Appearances : Watchmen(2009)
Played By : Jackie Earle Haley
This is just one of the characters on this list with not super powers but just extreme will to do what is right. The part i really loved about this guy is his unwillingness to compromise on his believes. He doesn't believe there is a gray area. Just right and Wrong. Nothing else matters. And he is extremely brutal. This is one guy who can get medieval on your ass. I also think Jackie's performance in the Wathcmen was just brilliant.
Alter Ego : Frank Castle, Francis Castiglione
Species : Human
Abilities: Tactical Expert, highly trained in arm and unarmed combat, demoliltions expert, high tolerance for pain
Movie Appearances : The Punisher(1989), The Punisher(2004), Punisher:Warzone(2008)
Played By : Dolph Lundgren, Thomas Jane, Ray Stevenson
Another "Normal" human on this list if you forget the unquenching thirst for justice using any means necessary to get it done normal yeah. This guy is a clear example of letting the end result justify the means and i love him for it.

Alter Ego : Anthony "Tony" Edward Stark
Species : Human
Abilities: Genius in electronic and mechanical fields, Armored Suit
Movie Appearances : Ironman(2008)
Played By : Robert Downey Jr
One of two on the list with extremely deep pockets. This guy epitomises every average guys dream. He rich, good looking, brilliant, has unlimited amount of "toys" and he has an awesome suit. Fuck if thats not every guys dream then i don't know what is. Robert Downey Jr' s portrayal of an alcoholic billionaire playboy is just.........Damn.... Thoroughly enjoyable and witty
Alter Ego : Wade Winston Wilson
Abilities: Regenerative Healing, Superhuman Strength, Stamina, Reflexes, Agility, Expert Marksman, Martial Artist and swordsman
Movie Appearances : X-men Origins:Wolverine
Played By : Ryan Reynolds
The merc with a mouth. This guy carries two freaking katanas. How cool is that. Got love his witty remarks. This is a character who epotomising the anti hero category. He is capable of doing good and bad shown in each different comics. But i think the casting of Ryan Reynold for this role is just a stroke of Genius. I personally enjoy his movies and roles he plays.

Alter Ego : Eric Brooks
Species : Dhampir
Abilities: Superhuman Strength, Speed, Agility, Stamina, Durability, Accelerated Healing, Ability to sense supernatural creatures, skilled martial artist, swordsman and marksman
Movie Appearances : Blade(1998), Blade 2(2002), Blade:Trinity(2004)
Played By : Wesley Snipes
The daywalker. This guy is a total bad ass. He has the best qualities of both the vampires and humans. Talk about a killer combination. He doesn't suffer the traditional weaknesses of any normal vampire and is highly skilled in killing. This should just do the world a favour and rid us of one last pesky vampire....... I think you know who that is......

Alter Ego : Bruce Wayne
Species : Human
Abilities: Utility belt, Billionaire, Highly trained martial artist, Brilliant deductive mind
Movie Appearances : Batman(1989), Batman Returns(1992), Batman Forever(1994), Batman & Robin(1997),Batman Begins(2004), The Dark Knight(2008)
Played By : Micheal Keaton, Val Kilmer, George Clooney, Christian Bale
To date, my favourite Batman has got to be Christian Bale. He brings such intensity to the character and still shows the human side in Bruce Wayne. But this character is one of my favourite comic characters of all time. His rich, intelligent and dark. He suffers from his own demons also which make all the more real. He has fears and dreams and love which all drive him to do the things that he does. Now thats a true hero.

Well that my list for killer comic characters in movies... feel free to let me know your choices....

Moving is a Bitch

Fucking Hell.....

Shifting to a new place can be a bitch.... Firstly, it is fucking tiring and draining... Im still feeling the after effects of the carrying and driving between the two places.

But overall it is a good thing.... We have a bigger place and now i have an adjoining bathroom.... And im closer to friday night Jam sessions which are awesome......

I wish to apologize to my avid groupies of this blog for the lack of any post in the last week.... But fuck.... i didnt even have much time to celebrate my Birthday.... Luckily there was still FNJ to save the day,..... With it own rendition of a weird birthday song.....

Anyways Peace out..... the BLOG GOD is back......
Prepare for more post in the not too distant future.....

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

My Fucking favourite movies

I actually love blogs with list in it.... It is especially fun and relaxing to read. This is my top Ten list of Fav movies that i have watched.... I know a lot of ppl will ask where the fuck is The Godfather..... But fuck can u believe it.... i have never gotten the chance to watch it... So its not on this list... Anyway, this list is in no particular order.... These movies all ranked pretty equally in my book.... Take note that these movies might not have been great(Some of them) of popular.... But mostly it is quite big movies....

What Dreams May Come
Released : 1998
Cast : Robin William, Cuba Gooding Jr
This is truly the ultimate love story of a movie. If you are a romantic, you have to watch this film. How much more can a guy express his love when he travel through heaven and hell to find his wife. And then decides to give up an eternity in heaven just so he can be with his beloved wife. Talk about romantic.

Star Wars Saga

Release : 1977, 1980, 1983, 1999, 2002, 2005
Cast : Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, Liam Neeson, Ewan Mcgregor, Natalie Portman, Hayden Christensen, Samuel L. Jackson, Jake Llyod
I had to place all of the 6 movies here. Firstly i absolutely love science fiction. But not only is it science fiction, it has other elements in the movies too. Drama, Love, Politics, Action.... Plus a buttload of cool Light Sabre fights. How can anyone not like these movies.

Schindler's List
Released :1993
Cast : Liam Neeson, Ben Kinsley, Ralph Fiennes
This is one of the few movies that are actual true stories. After watching this movie i realised that just one person can actually make a difference in any situation. If you have watched this movie and you didn't shed a tear while watching it at all there must be something seriously wrong with you. Oskar Schindler is truly a great man.

Released : 1983
Cast : Al Pacino, Steven Bauer, Michelle Pfeiffer, Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio
This movie is a just one classic gangster flick. It show the rise and fall of the one and only Tony Montana, a cuban "political" refugee who comes to the US and makes a name for himself in the underworld by overthrowing his then drug boss. And to top it off, it has one of the best shoot out scenes of all time with Tony Montana shouting "Say Hello to my little". Now that is truly gangster.

The Pursuit of Happyness
Released : 2006
Cast : Will Smith, Jaden Smith, Thandie Newton
This is another movie that i feel really can inspire anyone when they are down and out. Because if you think you got it tough, Think Again. It really shows how if you truly want something in life, no obstacles or difficulties should stop you. But my favourite part of the movie is when Chris Gardner tells his son that " No one has the right to take away your dreams".
Pay it Forward
Released : 2000
Cast : Haley Joel Osmont, Kevin Spacey, Helen Hunt
Pay it Forward is a movie based on a book of the same name written by Catherine Ryan Hyde. If everyone on earth was like Trevor Mckinney who is a 11 year old boy, a lot of the suffering in the world would be avoided. The basic idea is then he start a system where he performs good deeds for 3 people and they then in turn do a good deed for 3 other ppl instead. What a simple yet brilliant formula for changing the world. I truly believe this concept is beautiful.
Men of Honor
Released : 2000
Cast :Cuba Gooding Jr, Robert De Niro, Charlize Theron
Yet another true story in this list. This is about how one man " Carl Brashear" becomes the first Navy diver and also defeat the odds to be come the first amputee master diver. This is a position that has less members compared to the Navy Seals. That alone say a lot. It is truly one motivating and touching movie.
The Lord of the Rings Trilogy
Released : 2001, 2002, 2003
Cast : Elijah Wood, Viggo Mortensen, Orlando Bloom, Ian Mckellen, John Rhys Davies, Liv Tyler, Hugo Weaving, Sean Astin, Billy Boyd, Dominic Monaghan, Sean Bean, Andy Serkis, Christopher Lee, David Wenham
Damn. Now thats a lot to put in the cast. But have to give credit where credit is due. each member of the cast contributed to the movie adaptation of the book. Eventhough there are lot of stuff that were left out from the book, overall this is one kick ass movie. And who doesn't love the fantasy world. There are just too many things in these movies to say which part was my favourite. But up there would be Boromir's Last Stand. What a killer scene. No pun intended.
Released : 1995
Cast : Mel Gibson, Sophie Marceau
I really am not sure how accurate this film is about William Wallace and the scottish fight for independence but it is one kick ass movie. There are some truly memorable moments in this movie. On the lighter side would be the flashing of the asses to the opposing army. But the end scene where William Wallace screams for freedom show a mans undying quest and resolve of a man who will not back down. Truly amazing.
Released : 2001
Cast : Johnny Depp, Penelope Cruz
This movie is just about the live of George Jung. A man who was responsible for bringing cocaine in large amount to the US. It is truly a sad story of a life that could have been anything but the man end a wreck in prison alone. I really am just speechless about this movie. Johnny Depps portrayal was brilliant as always.