Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Best Munchies to have With BEER!!

Alright it is time for a light read for the blog. I know im always fucking serious with my post and that my avid groupis also need a break. So, this post hold a very close spot to my heart. This is espsecially those people out the that love Beer and everything about it. But we will start of with my favorite compliment for when drinking beer. LIke people like having cheese when drinking wine. I have acquired the taste for beer..... Beeeeeeeeeeeeerr........ of the thought of it just gives me goosbumps....

Super Rings
Any local malaysian would have tried this culinary masterpiece of a snack. Fuck Twisties and the lot. This is the true meaning of junk food. With enough fucking colouring to stay on your finger the entire nite. But the most fun part is placing a ring on each finger and eating it like that while leaving traces of orange all over your finger and clothes. Ohhh the true malaysian snack.

Rocky Biscuit sticks

Another junk food for Malaysian that when sober you most probably never eat would have to be this. But when drinking or just getting high, this is like fucking heaven on a stick. Be it strawberry or chocolate, this is one satifying treat which will leave you feeling that you didn't have enough


Tell you the truth i probably can eat nachos anytime of the day. But especially love when couple with beer. Just think the cheese oozing over some cruncy tortilla chip and mince beef sauce capping it off. Now that is one wholesome meal.

Mutton Peratal

Im going to be honest, this is probably the indian side of me choosing this dish. But if you come to think of it, the chinese and lot also love this. The main fucking reason this dish is so fucking awesome is that the spicyness and tender juicy mutton just makes you wanna drink more and eat more. SLurp!! Slurp!!

Pork Ribs

MMMmmmHHhh..... Pork Ribs.... Need i say more.... People whole love eating always say that the meat closes to the bone is the sweetest. How much closer can you get. This is awesome because this meal doesn't really fill up yur stomach so it leaves precious space for more beer.


I think everyone the world round who drink beer would have at least tried this once. This is like the most common side for beer on god green earth i think. It is so common that some bars even give it free for their customer.

Fried Anchovies with onions and Chilli
Another awesome side to have with beer. just the same as the mutton when it comes to the spicyness but this adds crunch to you bite. This is caused because the Anchovies are deep fried before being stir fried with the rest of the ingredient. Damn i haven't had this is awhile.

Fried Chicken Wings
I mean i don't think you can go wrong with chicken wings. You just can't fucking stop eating these buggers. Everything about the chicken wings makes it perfect for a side for any drinking party. SO if you are organising a party, this is a must.

Chick, Babes, Girls, Ladies
Call them what you like, but it is a definitely one of the best compliments for beer if not the best are chicks. Please which regular beer guzzling heterosexual joe would not want to have a gorgeous, voluptous, sexy chick next to him or better yet on his lap when enjoying a nice cold brewski.

For me this is the ultimate compliment when drinking beer. Because i think it is every drinkers nightmare to see his or her glass empty after a long chug. So, the best fucking way to compliment that is to fucking have more beer. So, don't waste your dough on any of the other sides on this list and invest in more fucking beer. You will not fucking go wrong.
So, if you haven't had any of these while drinking you can fucking consider your life a fucking failure and just give up drinking. Before any drinker dies he has to have had at least 5 out of this fucking list.
Anyways thats for this list.... CHEERS!!!!!
And feel free to add your own faves in the comments...

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