Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentines dAY

aH ITS that time of the year where all the are waiting for roses and gift and proposal from the better halves.... what a load of crap..... this has gotta be the most commerciallymarketed and marked time of the year for certain items.....

but after all it is a time for u to profess ur undying love for ur other halves even if u dont really mean it at the time....

in my opinion i think valentines day should be a day where everyone goes out by themselves and picks up someone from the oppsite sex and just do whatever they want.... i think only then can we actually see cupids work in progress....

But alas, it has been so commercially marketed that everyone just spend the day with their significant other.... that is just a total load of cock.... i feel the way i celebrated it last year was just awesome... i prepared a three course meal, appertiser, main course and dessert, for me, my gf at the time, my mum, and my cousin... of course there was lots of beer consumed while i was cooking.... so i don really think my gf appreciated everything i did that day/......

oh welll i guess not everyone knows the true meaning of valentines is to spend it not just with the ur spouse/gf/bf but also with anyone who u feel is important in ur life......

anyways Happy Valentines day to the suckers out there who bought expensive gliitery presents and paid 20 buck for 1 rose.... dumb asses

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