Thursday, February 4, 2010

Awesome Comic Characters on Film

This is basically a list of comic characters which i think are just freaking awesome on film. In some cases the portrayal of the character has been spot on and in some resemblance is uncanny. Anyways enjoy.... Its a light read.... What a way to launch the list


Alter Ego : Logan,
Species : Human Mutant

Abilities : Regenerative Healing, Superhuman senses, Adamantium laced skeletal structure, Claws

Movie Appearances : X-Men(2000), X-2(2003), X-Men:The Last Stand(2006), X-Men Origins:Wolverine(2009)

Played by : Hugh Jackman

This character probably has the biggest fan base since the X-men movies started. I personally loved this character since i started watching the cartoon when i was a kid. But damn, i really thought that Hugh Jackmans performance as Wolverine was awesome. he even resembles the character. The only thing missing is the yellow and blue tights.

Alter ego : Peter Parker, Eddie Brock, Angela Fortunato, Mac Gargan
Species : Symbiote
Abilities:Grants the host the abilities of the first host(spiderman), enhances host attributes, turn host invisible through camouflage, limited shap shifting
Movie Appearances : Spiderman 3
Played By : Topher Grace

Now this is one hell of a character. Venom is so bad ass that it was banished by its own race. This parasite is a being which can merged which any host and enhance their abilities. But overall this guy just looks really cool. Eventhouth i was really dissappointed that it only featured for a bit in the movie.

Alter Ego : Peter Parker
Species : Human Mutate
Abilities : Superhuman Strenth, Speed, Stamina, Agility, Reflexes, Durability, Accelerated Healing, Ability to cling to most Surfaces, precognitive Spider Sense, Genius Level Intellect,
Movie Appearances: Spiderman(1977), Spiderman(2002), Spiderman 2(2004), Spiderman 3(2007)
Played By : Nicholas Hammond, Tobey Maguire

Any comic charater list without Spiderman wouldn't be complete. This guy make nerd look cool. On the plus side is people are able to relate to his character beecause of the fact that he struggles with becoming an adult and also suffer from real day to day problem like being broke. Thus, Making him on of the most loved comic characters around. To think that at one point this character didn't get approved and was only given an appearance in the last issue of a dying comic series.

Alter Ego : Albert Francis "Al" Simmons
Species : Human Undead
Abilities: Superhuman Stregth, Speed, Durability, Endurance, Immortality, Flight, Magical Abilities, Teleportation, Shape Shifting, Regenerative Healing Factor, Necroplasmic Energy Blast, Wears a symbiotic suit which is capable of evolving
Movie Appearances : Spawn
Played By : Micheal Jai White
What cooler than being the general of hell army. Even with that he still still stand up for the defenseless and turns his back on hell and fight Malebolgia. This guy is betrayed, killed and sent to hell. Makes a deal with Malebolgia and return to earth and then retakes hell with the vision of making it paradise. Now that is what i call determination and a true goal.

Alter Ego : Walter Joseph Kovacs
Species : Human
Abilities: Excellent athlete, Highly skilled boxer, gymnast, streetfighter, Ruthlessness, Detective intuition
Movie Appearances : Watchmen(2009)
Played By : Jackie Earle Haley
This is just one of the characters on this list with not super powers but just extreme will to do what is right. The part i really loved about this guy is his unwillingness to compromise on his believes. He doesn't believe there is a gray area. Just right and Wrong. Nothing else matters. And he is extremely brutal. This is one guy who can get medieval on your ass. I also think Jackie's performance in the Wathcmen was just brilliant.
Alter Ego : Frank Castle, Francis Castiglione
Species : Human
Abilities: Tactical Expert, highly trained in arm and unarmed combat, demoliltions expert, high tolerance for pain
Movie Appearances : The Punisher(1989), The Punisher(2004), Punisher:Warzone(2008)
Played By : Dolph Lundgren, Thomas Jane, Ray Stevenson
Another "Normal" human on this list if you forget the unquenching thirst for justice using any means necessary to get it done normal yeah. This guy is a clear example of letting the end result justify the means and i love him for it.

Alter Ego : Anthony "Tony" Edward Stark
Species : Human
Abilities: Genius in electronic and mechanical fields, Armored Suit
Movie Appearances : Ironman(2008)
Played By : Robert Downey Jr
One of two on the list with extremely deep pockets. This guy epitomises every average guys dream. He rich, good looking, brilliant, has unlimited amount of "toys" and he has an awesome suit. Fuck if thats not every guys dream then i don't know what is. Robert Downey Jr' s portrayal of an alcoholic billionaire playboy is just.........Damn.... Thoroughly enjoyable and witty
Alter Ego : Wade Winston Wilson
Abilities: Regenerative Healing, Superhuman Strength, Stamina, Reflexes, Agility, Expert Marksman, Martial Artist and swordsman
Movie Appearances : X-men Origins:Wolverine
Played By : Ryan Reynolds
The merc with a mouth. This guy carries two freaking katanas. How cool is that. Got love his witty remarks. This is a character who epotomising the anti hero category. He is capable of doing good and bad shown in each different comics. But i think the casting of Ryan Reynold for this role is just a stroke of Genius. I personally enjoy his movies and roles he plays.

Alter Ego : Eric Brooks
Species : Dhampir
Abilities: Superhuman Strength, Speed, Agility, Stamina, Durability, Accelerated Healing, Ability to sense supernatural creatures, skilled martial artist, swordsman and marksman
Movie Appearances : Blade(1998), Blade 2(2002), Blade:Trinity(2004)
Played By : Wesley Snipes
The daywalker. This guy is a total bad ass. He has the best qualities of both the vampires and humans. Talk about a killer combination. He doesn't suffer the traditional weaknesses of any normal vampire and is highly skilled in killing. This should just do the world a favour and rid us of one last pesky vampire....... I think you know who that is......

Alter Ego : Bruce Wayne
Species : Human
Abilities: Utility belt, Billionaire, Highly trained martial artist, Brilliant deductive mind
Movie Appearances : Batman(1989), Batman Returns(1992), Batman Forever(1994), Batman & Robin(1997),Batman Begins(2004), The Dark Knight(2008)
Played By : Micheal Keaton, Val Kilmer, George Clooney, Christian Bale
To date, my favourite Batman has got to be Christian Bale. He brings such intensity to the character and still shows the human side in Bruce Wayne. But this character is one of my favourite comic characters of all time. His rich, intelligent and dark. He suffers from his own demons also which make all the more real. He has fears and dreams and love which all drive him to do the things that he does. Now thats a true hero.

Well that my list for killer comic characters in movies... feel free to let me know your choices....

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