Thursday, February 4, 2010

Moving is a Bitch

Fucking Hell.....

Shifting to a new place can be a bitch.... Firstly, it is fucking tiring and draining... Im still feeling the after effects of the carrying and driving between the two places.

But overall it is a good thing.... We have a bigger place and now i have an adjoining bathroom.... And im closer to friday night Jam sessions which are awesome......

I wish to apologize to my avid groupies of this blog for the lack of any post in the last week.... But fuck.... i didnt even have much time to celebrate my Birthday.... Luckily there was still FNJ to save the day,..... With it own rendition of a weird birthday song.....

Anyways Peace out..... the BLOG GOD is back......
Prepare for more post in the not too distant future.....

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