Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Celebs Before they were famous

Alrite guys, this is quite a post.. this is a list of celebs and what they were doing actually before they became famous.

Sylester Stallone
He was actually in show biz before the rocky movies made him big. He was in the Porn industry. The producing actually changed the name of his video to the Italian Stallion after the rocky movies came out

Johnny Depp
Well who would have thought that he fucking sold pens. God damn, how fucking boring would that be. According to him he said he used to create different characters for his sales pitches. This helped him not to get too bored at work

Tim Allen
Long before he became the Tim "The Toolman" Taylor in Home improvement sit com, this dude was in prison for fucking dealing Cocaine. Talk about a change in career paths.

Jack Nicholson
This awesome actor was a lowly mailroom worker before hitting big in movies like Batman and The Shining. What a waste of such a cool guy to dump him in the mailroom.

Kurt Cobain
Nirvana lead and founder of grunge rock was a damn janitor before screeching out the tracks on stage and becoming a legend of the music industry.

Christopher Walken
Only Chris here could have had such a cool job before he became famous. And it would
explain why he is always so cool in any situation.. This psycho used to fuckin be a lion tamer. To top it off he said the fucking lion was more like a kitten. bloody psycho..

Channing Tatum
His first career would really explain why he is able to dance in movies like step up. This duke here used to really please the ladies when he was a male stripper in some fucking club before making it big
Brad Pitt
Hollywood heart throb brad pitt used to be a damn chicken mascot. Just imagine this guys face is the face that melt womans heart all over the world and the clown actually got him to cover it. Damn

Danny Devito
This pint size comedian really shoud not have had the job he had. Come on wat is this baldy doin cutting hair. Thats got to be the funniest joke in the world man.

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