Monday, May 24, 2010


Today, im actually honestly contemplating exercising for the first time in a long. However, i think i is goin to be a bitch exercising after a long day at work. And also being that my left leg is like 2 inches smaller that my right leg.

i think the educated guess would be to concentrate on the left leg before actually doin anything for the right leg.
But ppl pls be honest with urself, how many ppl out actually follow a strict exercise plan. i really know that the only plan i really follow is to release my load every other day.. haha...
But this time it is goin to be diffferent i actually plan on following thru with this.... i mean not just the part bout releasing my load but the part about exercising....
So, hopefully soon, the keg which i call my stomach will actually be called a six pack. MmmMm.... Speaking of six pack..... That sound really tempting now...... nothing like starting the day with a six pack and bacon...... But these are the kinds of temptations i fuckin need to avoid....
FUCK this is goin to be hard isn't it.... Or well guys.... just wish me luck and i hope that i actually start doin some fucking exercise today before chowing down some dinner....
Let u know how it went.... hehe

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