Friday, June 4, 2010

Work & PLay go Well 2gether gether

Yesterday, the whole marketing Dept had to work overtime and hold interview sessions with the band in the Rum Jungle and Beach Club

The first interview session went on swimmingly. because the beers had not kicked in yet....... However, the second interview with SKY HIGH ws not so productive..... Honestly at that point the only thing running in my head was where the fuck is my next drink comin.....
FIRST WORD OF ADVICE.... Never stand between an indian guy and his drink.... it wont end well

But overall i think the night was good.... im judgin by the fact that i had a fuckin SPLITTING headache in the mornin....

Point 2..... When u suffer massive hangover its a sign that the night before was fucking AWESOME

But since today i was actually able to compile all the interview notes into a cohesive and easily understoood compilation i think we successfully did the job last nite....

SO FUCK YEAH....... I want more Work and Play Sessions..... BOSLEY is alwayz up for a party

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