Wednesday, January 20, 2010

MY First Time(Post) ever

Today, this will be the first blog post i ever posted. I was convinced by a friend and colleague that i should have a blog to let ppl know bout my feeling and thought. At the time i also thought it would be a fucking brilliant idea because im always fucking complaining or whining about something.

So, i thought this would be a good way to release some steam. Little did i know, that i really done have much to blog about. Im a pretty boring person. But what the hell. so i guess starting today im going to be blogging for no one to seen anyways because i seriously fucking doubt anyone going to be reading some sorry ass blog by an anti social event coordinator.

Funny isn't it, that my job requires me to meet and socialise with lots of people but my nature im actually pretty shy and anti social.HaHa!!!

Anyways, thats my first posting.........

1 comment:

  1. Haha..real funny..I am ur 1st Follwer..Finally, welcome aboard blogger
