Friday, January 22, 2010

Just can't Understand

While driving whether to work or goin home after work i fucking realised that the majority of ppl are fucking idiots and inconsiderate pricks.

You know why i say this, firstly, there is a fucking good reason why the government put overhead walkways on street for the pedestrians to cross. But still some fucked up lazy assholes just cant get their fat asses up the stair to cross the road. Why is so hard just to make across safely and without putting ur life at risk. Fuck that, it is also a fucking nuisance for the motorist to try to avoid the jay"fucking"walkers. Is it my fault if i run one over even when their not fucking supposed to be walking there. And why are the fucking policemen just allowing when its happening under their fucking noses. lazy fat fucking pigs.

Another thing is when fucking driver or any motorist for that matter fail to understand the point of having a yellow box at intersection. Because of these cunts i and rest of the motorist have to struggle with excessive amounts of jams which could be fucking avoided if ppl were not so fucking selfish. if there is no fucking space on the underside of the intersection, just wait till clears up a bit. don fucking wait in the yellow box and blocked the whole fuckign road for every other user on the road. Fucking Morons.

Thats it for now.... just needed to release some steams... fuck u inconsiderate asshole of the road....

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