Tuesday, January 26, 2010

My Fucking favourite movies

I actually love blogs with list in it.... It is especially fun and relaxing to read. This is my top Ten list of Fav movies that i have watched.... I know a lot of ppl will ask where the fuck is The Godfather..... But fuck can u believe it.... i have never gotten the chance to watch it... So its not on this list... Anyway, this list is in no particular order.... These movies all ranked pretty equally in my book.... Take note that these movies might not have been great(Some of them) of popular.... But mostly it is quite big movies....

What Dreams May Come
Released : 1998
Cast : Robin William, Cuba Gooding Jr
This is truly the ultimate love story of a movie. If you are a romantic, you have to watch this film. How much more can a guy express his love when he travel through heaven and hell to find his wife. And then decides to give up an eternity in heaven just so he can be with his beloved wife. Talk about romantic.

Star Wars Saga

Release : 1977, 1980, 1983, 1999, 2002, 2005
Cast : Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, Liam Neeson, Ewan Mcgregor, Natalie Portman, Hayden Christensen, Samuel L. Jackson, Jake Llyod
I had to place all of the 6 movies here. Firstly i absolutely love science fiction. But not only is it science fiction, it has other elements in the movies too. Drama, Love, Politics, Action.... Plus a buttload of cool Light Sabre fights. How can anyone not like these movies.

Schindler's List
Released :1993
Cast : Liam Neeson, Ben Kinsley, Ralph Fiennes
This is one of the few movies that are actual true stories. After watching this movie i realised that just one person can actually make a difference in any situation. If you have watched this movie and you didn't shed a tear while watching it at all there must be something seriously wrong with you. Oskar Schindler is truly a great man.

Released : 1983
Cast : Al Pacino, Steven Bauer, Michelle Pfeiffer, Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio
This movie is a just one classic gangster flick. It show the rise and fall of the one and only Tony Montana, a cuban "political" refugee who comes to the US and makes a name for himself in the underworld by overthrowing his then drug boss. And to top it off, it has one of the best shoot out scenes of all time with Tony Montana shouting "Say Hello to my little". Now that is truly gangster.

The Pursuit of Happyness
Released : 2006
Cast : Will Smith, Jaden Smith, Thandie Newton
This is another movie that i feel really can inspire anyone when they are down and out. Because if you think you got it tough, Think Again. It really shows how if you truly want something in life, no obstacles or difficulties should stop you. But my favourite part of the movie is when Chris Gardner tells his son that " No one has the right to take away your dreams".
Pay it Forward
Released : 2000
Cast : Haley Joel Osmont, Kevin Spacey, Helen Hunt
Pay it Forward is a movie based on a book of the same name written by Catherine Ryan Hyde. If everyone on earth was like Trevor Mckinney who is a 11 year old boy, a lot of the suffering in the world would be avoided. The basic idea is then he start a system where he performs good deeds for 3 people and they then in turn do a good deed for 3 other ppl instead. What a simple yet brilliant formula for changing the world. I truly believe this concept is beautiful.
Men of Honor
Released : 2000
Cast :Cuba Gooding Jr, Robert De Niro, Charlize Theron
Yet another true story in this list. This is about how one man " Carl Brashear" becomes the first Navy diver and also defeat the odds to be come the first amputee master diver. This is a position that has less members compared to the Navy Seals. That alone say a lot. It is truly one motivating and touching movie.
The Lord of the Rings Trilogy
Released : 2001, 2002, 2003
Cast : Elijah Wood, Viggo Mortensen, Orlando Bloom, Ian Mckellen, John Rhys Davies, Liv Tyler, Hugo Weaving, Sean Astin, Billy Boyd, Dominic Monaghan, Sean Bean, Andy Serkis, Christopher Lee, David Wenham
Damn. Now thats a lot to put in the cast. But have to give credit where credit is due. each member of the cast contributed to the movie adaptation of the book. Eventhough there are lot of stuff that were left out from the book, overall this is one kick ass movie. And who doesn't love the fantasy world. There are just too many things in these movies to say which part was my favourite. But up there would be Boromir's Last Stand. What a killer scene. No pun intended.
Released : 1995
Cast : Mel Gibson, Sophie Marceau
I really am not sure how accurate this film is about William Wallace and the scottish fight for independence but it is one kick ass movie. There are some truly memorable moments in this movie. On the lighter side would be the flashing of the asses to the opposing army. But the end scene where William Wallace screams for freedom show a mans undying quest and resolve of a man who will not back down. Truly amazing.
Released : 2001
Cast : Johnny Depp, Penelope Cruz
This movie is just about the live of George Jung. A man who was responsible for bringing cocaine in large amount to the US. It is truly a sad story of a life that could have been anything but the man end a wreck in prison alone. I really am just speechless about this movie. Johnny Depps portrayal was brilliant as always.

Sunday, January 24, 2010


Fuck man..... What a fucking way to spend my Sunday.....

I fucking wake up to the excruating pain of diarrhea... It was so fucking painful that freaking curling up on my bed.... Talk about a painful morning... BY 10.30 i had been to the damn toilet like 4 times.... thats when i finally wisen up n went to the DR....

Who fucking said it wasnt that serious..... ThEN wat the fuck is all this pain.... Asshole....

but Luckily he gave me something for the pain..... but not b4 i puked in the toilet....

But one thing.. My gf is really good.... I really cant believe the shit she put up with me .. ME being an oversize baby and all....

anyways i would really wish to thank my gf

Friday, January 22, 2010

Yes.... Friday Beckons(Nite)

Since its friday, i know everyone cant wait till they get off work... Unless of course your are like.

Fuck... Really pushing myself today coming up with ideas and stuff for work... But damn im stumped... Right now i just cant wait for a fuckimn nice cold beer.... Cant wait for it...Definitely going to have a couple of cold one tonight......

Just can't Understand

While driving whether to work or goin home after work i fucking realised that the majority of ppl are fucking idiots and inconsiderate pricks.

You know why i say this, firstly, there is a fucking good reason why the government put overhead walkways on street for the pedestrians to cross. But still some fucked up lazy assholes just cant get their fat asses up the stair to cross the road. Why is so hard just to make across safely and without putting ur life at risk. Fuck that, it is also a fucking nuisance for the motorist to try to avoid the jay"fucking"walkers. Is it my fault if i run one over even when their not fucking supposed to be walking there. And why are the fucking policemen just allowing when its happening under their fucking noses. lazy fat fucking pigs.

Another thing is when fucking driver or any motorist for that matter fail to understand the point of having a yellow box at intersection. Because of these cunts i and rest of the motorist have to struggle with excessive amounts of jams which could be fucking avoided if ppl were not so fucking selfish. if there is no fucking space on the underside of the intersection, just wait till clears up a bit. don fucking wait in the yellow box and blocked the whole fuckign road for every other user on the road. Fucking Morons.

Thats it for now.... just needed to release some steams... fuck u inconsiderate asshole of the road....

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Comedies that freaking Rock

This is a list of comedies that i have watched over and over and over again... These fucking movies just rock man... If you haven't seen any of these movies, get off ur fat asses and go get the DVD or something.. Trust me u will not regret it....

Van Wilder Party Liason
Released : 2002
Cast : Ryan Reynold, Tara Reid, Kal Penn
Times Watched : 8 - 10 Times
This movie is probably the least funny of the lot hear, but damn it is one entertaining movie. It will just make u think what the fuck did i do that was exciting in college or uni.... I know everytime i watch this i fucking wish i was back in college.
Spies Like Us
Released : 1985
Cast : Chevy Chase, Dan Aykroyd
Times Watched : 4 - 6 Times
This one is freaking hilarious, Chevy chase and Dan Aykroyd pull off one superb performance in a movie with not stop laughter. If the this was how the real spy networks work, we are all in for some serious shit.

Sgt Bilko
Released : 1996
Cast : Steve Martin, Dan Aykroyd
Times Watched : 8 - 10 times
If this guy was truly a Sergeant anywhere, i will without a second thought be one of his loyal followers. This show is freaking awesome. I really would love to be working the motor pool with Sgt Bilko.

Robin Hood : Men in Tights
Released : 1993
Cast : Carl Elwes, Richard Lewis, Dave Chappelle
Times Watched : 1 - 4 Times
This is one spoof who everyone has to watch. But beforehand please watch the Kevin Costner version at least. Because a lot of the comedic value will be lost if not. Dancing men in tights, Fucking Hilarious.

Released : 1991
Cast : Sylvester Stallone, Marisa Tomei, Tim Curry
Times watched : 6 - 8

Gotta love the Italian Mafias sometimes, they just seem to find the comedy in everything. I can seriously keep watching this movie. Its that good. Don't be fooled old Sly here does a really good job in an attempt at comedy.

How High
Released : 2001
Cast : Method Man, Redman
Times watched : 6 -8 times

Come on. This movie won an award for best Stoner moive in 2002. If that doesn't say enough i don't know wat will.

Harold & Kumar Go To White Castle
Released : 2004
Cast : John Cho, Kal Penn
Times Watched : 2 -3 times

Another stoner show on the list. How can anyone not like stoner movies. It just makes you wish u were a stoner like that. Whats makes it funny is that it involves part asian dudes. SWEET.

Happy Gilmore
Released : 1996
Cast : Adam Sandler, Christopher Mcdonald, Ben Stiller
Times Watched : 10+

I really love this movie. It gives me hope that someday i will realise that i suck at football and my true calling is in some other sport and i can earn shit loads of dough doing it. But this was the movie that got me liking Adam Sandler. he does such a great job in putting character in the game of golf

Down Periscope
Released : 1996
Cast : Kelsey Grammer, Rob Sneider, Rip Torn
Times watched : 10+

A truly amazing comedic performance from every member of the cast in superb navy comedy. i've watched more then 10 times, its gotta be good. And he has a tattoo of welcome aboard on his dick. Now thats a guy with a sense of humour.

Austin Powers : International Man of Mystery
Released : 1997
Cast : Mike Myers, Elizabeth Hurley, Seth Green
Times Watched : 2-4 times

What can i say, this movie combines the spy element of bond and the comedic element of Mike Myers at his best. Now that is a killer combo. Plus there is an extremely hot Liz Hurley that Austin powers wants to shag. But it was brilliant how Mike Myers play both the good guy and the bad guys. Even the Sequel is awesome. But the third is crap.

So whankers, if u havent seen this movies,
then this is your fucking home work.......

Happy Birthday Thrish!!!!!!

Happy birthday Thrish you fucking dickhead...... Wasted we aint drinking tonight..... We shall do that next on my Birthday.... Theres a Birthday Song for you too... Cheer bitch

Once a year we celebrate with stupid hats and plastic plates,

the fact that you were able to make another trip around the sun.

And the whole plan gathers round' gifts and laughter do will bound,

we let out a joyful sound and sing that stupid song.

Happy Birthday, now your one year older.

Happy Birthday, your life still isn't over.

Happy Birthday, you did not accomplish much.

But you didn't die this year i guess that's good enough.

So lets drink to your fading health, and hope you don't remind yourself

your chance of finding fame and wealth decrease with every year.

Does it feel like your doing laps,

and eating food and taking naps,

and hoping that some day,

perhaps, your life will hold some cheer.

Happy Birthday, what have you done that matters?

Happy Birthday, your starting to get fatter. Happy Birthday,

it's downhill from now on.

Try not to remind yourself your best years are all gone.
If cryogenics were all free then you could live like Walt Disney and livefor all eternity inside a block of ice.

But instead your time is set this is the only life you get,

and though it hasen't ended yet some times you wish it MIGHT!

Happy Birthday, you wish you had more money.Happy Birthday, your lifes so sad it's funny.Happy Birthday, how much more can you take?But your friends are hungry so just cut the stupid cake

Song By Adam Sandler!!!!! Freaking Genuis Work

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


After reading my previous post, i fucking realised that there are a fucking lot of typos in the past 2 post.... My bad guys... Anyways im home, bored and my gf is lying down on my back... This post is just to apologize in advance for all the future typos and any fucking mistakes that will make me look like a freaking idiot..

Its not that i have bad inglish(hehe) its just that im too fucking lazy to re read any of my post... plus im sure that there are some mistakes here too...

if u do realise any mistakes while readin my post and feel compelled to let me know pls email me at idoncare(at)gofuckurself.com

thats all.....

Classics that i wish to own

If i could own any of these car before i fucking croak, it will be totally fucking awesome. The list is in no particualr order. But just feast your eyes on these beauties. Boy seriously don't grow up from playing with toys. They just wanna have bigger toys.

Shelby Cobra

This has gotta be one of the coolest looking road cars around. Need i say more. not much to say bout specs of the car. Im not very savvy bout that shit. But i just love this car

Delorean DMC 12
This is truly a sweet ride. Think about it. With some minor modifications you could travel through time by just reaching 88 mph. If that ain't cool then i dunno wat is. but overall i have read that the car i pretty shitty because it only come in one colour and its too fucking heavy. But will still love to own one for fucks sake. And the doors open upwards man.

Mini Moke

This car is really for the ultimate beach bum and island driving. Who needs doors. Its totally overrated anyways. And if it rains you can always pull on a roof that resemble linoleum. Just imagine urself driving in Langkawi in a car like this driving crates of beer and a bottle of whisky in the back. Life can't get any better. Just make sure you don spill the booze. Cardinal Sin there.

Mini Clubman
I jusst fell in love with all things Mini after watching the Italian Job movie... No not the new one the original with Micheal Caine as Charlie. Fuck i watch that on the damn VCR. Its fucking old. But yeah that is an awesome movie. These cars are just like my favourite cars around.

VW Beetle
This is one of the most awesome cars ever built. Leave it to the germans to come up with a car like this. One the plus side it was design by the the creator of Porsche. So come on, if u like a porsche u gotta love a beetle.

Ford Shelby Mustang
This is in my book has gotta be one the best looking cars i have ever seen. but im really starting to think that all my car fantasies are being influence by movies i have watched. Fuck. talk about a lack of freaking any imagination. But still i freaking love this car. Look at it. Whats not to like, it will fucking turn anyones head 360 degrees around.

VW Van

This is for the Hippy in me. Come wouldn't love to take a roadtrip in this van with load of fucking booze with a joint in between you lips. Damn. i can imagine doing that already with a few of my buds. For this is what started the luxury van market. Alphards, Elisyions and estima have to pay tribute to the original awesome travel van and family car.
Soon to come Awesome Cars List... Stay tuned fuckheads

MY First Time(Post) ever

Today, this will be the first blog post i ever posted. I was convinced by a friend and colleague that i should have a blog to let ppl know bout my feeling and thought. At the time i also thought it would be a fucking brilliant idea because im always fucking complaining or whining about something.

So, i thought this would be a good way to release some steam. Little did i know, that i really done have much to blog about. Im a pretty boring person. But what the hell. so i guess starting today im going to be blogging for no one to seen anyways because i seriously fucking doubt anyone going to be reading some sorry ass blog by an anti social event coordinator.

Funny isn't it, that my job requires me to meet and socialise with lots of people but my nature im actually pretty shy and anti social.HaHa!!!

Anyways, thats my first posting.........